The Noble Family

Baby Hugo is constantly defeating the odds – odds that have been against him since the day he and his twin sister were born four months early in 2022.
His medical journey and the complications that accompany it seem to change almost daily. Fortunately, however, they don’t keep him from smiling and interacting with his twin, Nellie, and three-year-old sister Vera.
Hugo and Nellie were born at just over 2 pounds each in a community hospital in North Carolina. Within minutes of their premature births, Hugo was life-flighted to Brenner Children’s Hospital in Winston-Salem and Nellie followed in an ambulance. Parents Chris and Savannah didn’t meet their babies until Savannah was discharged the following day.
Both babies were put on ventilators and in incubators, but while Nellie thrived, Hugo suffered from brain bleeds and a perforated bowel, requiring surgery at two weeks old.

Nellie eventually went home on oxygen, but Hugo’s health problems would persist and get worse, then better, then worse again.
The Nobles and others like them are frequent guests at Ronald McDonald Houses. And that’s where donors like you, who give so generously to Ronald McDonald House Charities of Mobile, are making a difference in the lives of many.
Savannah and Chris had their first encounter with a Ronald McDonald House in Winston-Salem, where Savannah and Nellie stayed while Hugo was in the hospital. Chris and Vera stayed home where Chris could work from home and care for the almost two-year-old. Hugo would be in and out of the hospital, but during the last week in October 2022, the Nobles moved to Loxley, Alabama. A week later he was admitted to USA Health Children’s & Women’s Hospital – at risk for seizures.
When Hugo was re-admitted in January of this year, the Nobles moved into RMHC Mobile.
“It saved us to have the hospital so close to the Ronald McDonald House. I would stay with Hugo overnight, and Chris would stay at the House with the girls. Then we’d swap, and Chris was able to work while sitting with Hugo. Before we swapped places for the day, we’d sit down and have breakfast together at the House. That alone meant so much to us.” – Savannah
Since that initial stay at RMHC Mobile, the Nobles have returned several times, sometimes for a few days, other times for weeks.
Savannah and Chris both talk about “the little things” at RMHC Mobile and at the Ronald McDonald House Family Rooms located inside the hospital that make their family’s life a little bit easier. They talk about the hot meals in the evening, being able to sleep in a bed that isn’t a hospital bed and having a playroom and playground for the girls.
RMHC Mobile is so much more than a collection of rooms. We offer our families comfortable guestrooms with private bath, access to laundry rooms, refrigerators and pantries in a fully stocked House kitchen, daily prepared meals, and a support system of staff, volunteers, and other families who share their same hopes and fears.
That’s why we need your help today! Your gift can help a family stay with their hospitalized child and be steps away from a home-away-from-home.
Without RMHC Mobile, families would be forced to sleep in the hospital waiting rooms, in their cars, or in hotel rooms that would tax their already drained financial resources.
The Nobles are one of many, many families whose lives are put on hold while a sick child receives medical care. Their positive spirit and their gratitude for Ronald McDonald House Charities are incredibly uplifting and genuine. It is nothing short of a privilege to provide a home for them.
Thank you for your loving support and generosity.